Home Budapest weather forecast

Budapest weather forecast

by Lóránt Dénes

Budapest’s microclimate

Regarding Budapest’s average monthly temperatures from the past years it can be said that the coldest month is January and the warmest is July.

The average amount of rainfall is 516mm in Budapest, two wetter (early summer and late autumn) and two drier (middle of winter and early autumn) seasons follow each other.

The least amount of rain falls in February-March, and the most rainy months – with approximately double the amount of rain – is May-June.

The average hours of sunshine in Budapest is 2010 hours per year, but this largely changes each year.

You can observe the typical annual course of sunlight, during the summer it’s at its maximum (250-280 hours monthly), while in the November-January period it’s at its minimum (60-70 hours monthly).

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