Be it a dog, a cat, a hamster or a checkered python, they are a member of the family and that’s how it should be. And unless they do not come with us on the holiday due to a “Home Alone” style mistake, but we leave them as sacrificial lambs at the altar of comfort, don’t be surprised if after we get back a few of our favorite things will smell of urine.
If we really want to, there is definitely a way to bring our favorites along. However, it is also a fact that while traveling there will be plenty of places we will visit where our many legged, or slithering buddies can’t come with us – not many bathers would be impressed if a 32kg rottweiler would be cannon balling next to them at the beach.
Small pet kennels, dog boarding houses, cat hotels in Budapest
These are the occasions where the many small pet kennels, dog boarding houses, cat hotels available in Budapest come in handy. There are also places where they watch our reptiles while we are away.
More and more companies provide more than a simple pet holding service: lots of dog boarding houses, dog daycares keep our furry friends entertained not only through playing, or by walking, but they also cut down from our dogs’ misbehavior with basic obedience practices.
It’s important that at these places we can only hand in healthy animals, with valid health documentation and a complete vaccination schedule. If by any chance, our pet has a special diet or takes medicine, obviously it is us who has to provide these for the length of the stay.
So no excuses, if holidays are a family event, it’s only real if the full family is there!

You don’t know where to leave your pet? You can find the dog-cat-reptile boarding houses we recommend in Budapest here.
Cat boarding house:
Mikka-Makka cicapanzió
Contact details:
Éva Palócz
1149 Budapest Fráter György street.33
Phone: +36-20-9162-046
Appointments are taken by email. By phone, only information is provided.
1025 Budapest, Törökvész út 61
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Dog boarding house, dog daycare:
Make a reservation here.
0-24 house phone number: (06-20) 477-56-00
Reptile boarding house in Budapest
Kiskedvenc panzió
Contact details:
1163 Budapest, Veres Péter út 15/C
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