The history of Martonvásár
Martonvásár was more than likely an already inhabited area in BC on the two sides of the Szentlászló-stream, probably inhabited by Celtic or Samaritan people, after the conquest of the Roman emperor, it was conquered by the Hungarians, at least this is what the artifacts and the archeological studies testify to.
During the 11th century it was probably a well populated area. In 1268 they mention it for the first time as a city, which further expanded with the growing market, as it lay on the trade road between Buda and Fehérvár. At this time, Martonvásár was the second largest city in County Fejér after Fehérvár.
In 1526, 1528, 1541, 1543, 1545 and 1551 the Turkish ran their campaign through this settlement, so it’s obvious that by the middle of the 16th century it was completely unpopulated.
The Brunszvik family
In 1770, the territory came under the control of the noble Brunszvik family. They started a large construction, between 1773 and 1776 a Roman Catholic church, as well as a Baroque castle was built (in 1870 this was reconstructed in neo-Gothic style), attracting a large number of settlers to the formerly abandoned village.

The pride of the city is the fact that in 1800 Ludwig van Beethoven was a visitor here. Beethoven, the piano teacher of the Brunszvik daughters, visited the castle many times. In 1799 the elderly Antalné Brunszvik, who went to the imperial city (Vienna) with his 24 years old daughter, Theresa and 20 years od daughter, Jospehine, with the unsecretive reason of marrying off one of her daughters. This is when she asked Beethoven to teach the girls to play piano.
Beethoven didn’t like to teach others. He believed, teaching is for those who can’t compose. But he made and exception with the girls and taught them.
The location of Martonvásár:
It is located at the North-East side of County Fejér, 30kms from Budapest next to highway 7, 13kms from Lake Velence. Szent László-stream flows through the city.
Getting to Martonvásár:
By car you can get there by taking highway 7 or the M7 motorway. It takes app. 25 minutes.
Departing from the Déli railway terminal you can comfortably get to Martonvásár within 30 minutes.
The trains leave every hour at 10 and 40 minutes past from the Déli railway terminal to Martonvásár. (eg.: 11:10, 11:40, 12:10, 12:40 and so on)
To get back the trains depart every hour at 18 and 48 minutes past from Martonvásár to the Déli railway terminal. (eg.: 14:18, 14:48, 15:18, 15:48 and so on)
The price of the ticket is 650Ft / way / person
Attractions in Martonvásár and its area:
- The main attraction in Martonvásár is the Brunszvik castle and park, as well at the Beethoven museum inside the castle.